§ 43-3. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
    Any entity through which business for profit or not for profit is conducted, including a corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, organization or self-employed individual.
    A business of which a public official or public employee or member of his or her immediate family is a director, officer, owner, employee, compensated agent or holder of stock that constitutes 5% or more of the total outstanding stock of any class.
    Information, whether transmitted orally or in writing, which is obtained by reason of the public position or office held and is of such a nature that it is not at the time of transmission a matter of public record or public knowledge.
    A public official or public employee has an interest which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his/her duties or employment in the public interest if he/she has reason to believe that he/she or a family member of his/hers will derive a direct monetary gain or suffer direct monetary loss, as the case may be, by reason of his/her official activity. A public official or public employee does not have an interest which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of duties in the public interest if any benefit or detriment accrues to him/her as a member of a business, profession, occupation or group to no greater extent than any other member of such business, profession, occupation or group. Specifically, a conflict of interest exists if a public official or public employee or family member of such official or employee has a financial or personal interest in the outcome of any matter under consideration before him/her in his/her official capacity within or before his/her department or a board or commission of which he/she is a member; a public official or public employee accepts employment which will either impair his/her independence or judgment with regard to his/her official duties or require him/her to disclose confidential information acquired by him/her in the course of his/her duties. All public officials, public employees and/or appointed members of the Town government shall seek to avoid even the appearance of impropriety as it relates to this section. Any criminal misconduct will mean a violation of the law as defined in Connecticut General Statutes Titles 53, 53a and other applicable statutes, which include misdemeanors and felonies, as defined therein.
    A district established pursuant to the Connecticut General Statutes § 7-324.
    Any interest with a monetary value of $100 or more which generates a financial gain or loss of $100 or more in a calendar year.
    Anything of value, including entertainment, food, beverage, travel, or lodging, given or paid to a public official or public employee, to the extent that consideration of equal or greater value is not received. A "gift" does not include:
    A political contribution otherwise reported as required by law or a donation or payment as described in Subdivision (9) or (11) of Subsection (b) of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-601a, as amended.
    Services provided by persons volunteering their time for a political campaign.
    A commercially reasonable loan made on terms not more favorable than loans made in the ordinary course of business.
    A gift received from:
    An individual's spouse, fiance or fiancee;
    The parent, brother or sister of such spouse or such individual; or
    The child of such individual or the spouse of such child.
    Goods or services that are provided to the Town and which facilitate governmental action or functions.
    A certificate, plaque or other ceremonial award costing less than $100.
    A rebate or discount on the price of anything of value given in the ordinary course of business without regard to the recipient's status.
    Printed or recorded informational material germane to governmental actions or functions.
    Items of nominal value, not to exceed $10, containing or displaying promotional material.
    An honorary degree bestowed upon a public official or public employee by a public or private university or college.
    Food or beverage provided at an event, or the registration or entrance fee to attend such event, in which the public employee or public official participates in said person's official capacity.
    Food or beverage provided in the home by an individual who resides in the Town in which the employee or official serves.
    Gifts of nominal value not exceeding $25 tendered on gift-giving occasions generally recognized by the public, including Christmas, Hanukkah, birthdays, the birth or adoption of a child, weddings, confirmations, bar or bat mitzvahs, provided the total dollar value of such gifts from any individual in any calendar year does not exceed $100.
    Any spouse, child, parent, fiancee, sibling or dependent relative.
    A natural person.
    A person, firm or corporation hired by the Town to provide services to the Town for a fee.
    An individual, sole proprietorship, trust, corporation, union, company, association, firm, partnership, committee, club or other organization or group of persons.
    A person employed full or part time by the Town. "Public employee" does not include a public official.
    An elected or appointed official employed/appointed full- or part-time by the Town, on either a paid or unpaid basis, including a district officer elected pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 7-327.