§ 43-9. Distribution of Code of Ethics.

Latest version.
  • The Board of Selectmen shall cause a copy of this code of Ethics to be distributed to every public official and public employee within 90 days after the enactment of this code of Ethics. Each public official and public employee elected, appointed or engaged thereafter shall be furnished a copy of this code by the Town Clerk before entering upon the duties of the office or employment. Any amendments to this code shall similarly be distributed by the Board of Selectmen within 90 days thereof. At the discretion of the Board of Selectmen and its designees, paid consultants shall be furnished a copy of this code. A signed receipt of all copies shall be returned to the Town Clerk and retained on file. Not receiving a copy of this code or any amendments thereto or not signing a receipt therefor does not exempt a public official or public employee from the provisions of the Code of Ethics. This Code shall be made available to individual(s), partnership(s), corporation(s) or other entities doing business with the Town and posted on the Town's website.