§ 47-8. Fees charged for processing applications.  

Latest version.
  • A schedule of fees for the processing of applications to the Old Lyme Planning Commission is hereby established as follows:
    Review fees.
    When in the judgment of the Planning Commission project review fees in addition to administrative fees are required to cover professional, legal, engineering and planning review expenses, these expenses shall be paid by the applicant on an actual and reasonable cost basis. These fees shall be determined by the Planning Commission and assessed to the applicant after the appropriate administrative fees as set forth in Subsection B below are paid and the services are rendered to the Planning Commission.
    All applications to the Planning Commission shall be accompanied by the administrative fee or fees set forth hereafter. Said fee or fees shall be paid at the time of filing of the application. In addition, all such applications shall be accompanied by an agreement executed by the applicant specifically agreeing to pay the aforesaid additional project review fees as shall be determined by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may, in its discretion, require that the applicant maintain on deposit with the Planning Commission a sum of money estimated to be sufficient to cover said professional, legal, engineering and planning review expenses. The Planning Commission may revise such estimate from time to time and require additional sums to be deposited to cover such fees. Said agreement shall be executed by the applicant, and such estimated fees shall be deposited within 15 days of the time of filing and acceptance of such application by the Planning Commission or within 15 days of any Planning Commission revision as set forth above. No application will be considered complete until such fee or fees have been paid and such agreement has been submitted.
    Administrative fees.
    Subdivisions and resubdivisions: minimum flat fee of $310, plus $60 for each lot in excess of four lots.
    Site plans: $360 for site plans on two acres or less; $510 for all others.
    Modification to subdivision: $110.
    Original division: $85.
    Coastal site plan review: $70.
    Cluster housing (PRCD) special exceptions: minimum flat fee of $310, plus $60 per unit in excess of four units.