§ 58-23. Correcting an unsafe mooring/anchoring situation.  

Latest version.
  • If any vessel shall be found, in the judgment of the Harbormaster, to be anchored or moored within Old Lyme waters in an unsafe or dangerous manner, or in such a way as to create a hazard to other vessels or to persons or property, the Harbormaster shall order and direct necessary measures to eliminate such unsafe or dangerous condition. Primary responsibility for compliance with such orders and directions shall rest with the owner of the improperly anchored or moored vessel or his authorized agent. In an emergency situation, the Harbormaster or his delegate, without liability, shall board such vessel and cause the improper situation to be corrected, and the owner of the vessel shall be liable for any costs incurred in effecting such correction and be subject to penalties as set forth in Article III, § 58-8 of this chapter.
Amended 12-14-1998