§ 58-25. Mooring plan regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Mooring plans. Any plan of mooring areas and of segregation of vessels by types and length, in the interest of vessel safety and maximum use of available anchorage areas, shall conform to mooring plans prepared and made available by the Harbor Management Commission.
    Dedicated mooring areas. Some areas of Old Lyme waters are designated mooring areas and have specified mooring locations determined in order to provide for the best and most efficient arrangement of vessels. However, waterfront property owners may exercise their riparian rights for use of the waters which may have an effect on the arrangements within a designated mooring area.
    Mooring records. The Harbormaster shall keep a description of all moorings, their locations, and the permittee's name, whether a commercial entity or private individual, home and business addresses and telephone numbers, and the date the mooring was inspected and set. For private moorings in the designated mooring areas, the name, type, length, beam and draft of the vessel to be moored thereto and its registration or documentation number shall be recorded. (The description of the vessel is not necessary for beachfront property owners.) The Harbormaster will maintain a record of annual lessees of commercial moorings. All moorings shall be identified by a permit number assigned by the Harbormaster at the time the mooring permit is issued. The Harbormaster shall present reports to the Harbor Management Commission as requested.
    Mooring Assignment Committee. This advisory committee shall be elected by the Harbor Management Commission and shall consist of three members of the Commission plus the Harbormaster as an ex officio nonvoting member. The Committee shall elect its own Chairman. This Committee's responsibility shall be to advise the Harbormaster and to monitor placement of moorings to ensure that all mooring assignments are made in conformance with the policies of this plan and the provisions of this chapter.
    Assignment of mooring space in the designated noncommercial mooring area.
    [Amended 12-14-1998]
    All assignments of mooring space in the designated noncommercial mooring area shall be made by the Harbormaster upon written application therefor by any person or persons, partnership, sole proprietorship, or any corporation or other organized group recognized by and registered with the State of Connecticut or the Town of Old Lyme. However, application from entities whose principal assets consist of the mooring applied for and a boat shall not be accepted. If the available mooring space is more than adequate for a vessel, the owner of such vessel shall nevertheless be granted that space which shall be temporary and the vessel so assigned will be moved to a more appropriate space within the aforesaid area at the first available opportunity.
    If the applicant shall refuse the grant of a mooring space when offered or owns no vessel within 30 days of the grant of the application, the application shall be redated as of the date of refusal and the applicant's name moved to the bottom of the appropriate list of applicants.
    Mooring permits shall be limited to one per household, corporation or organized group, unless, on or after June 1, appropriate mooring locations are unassigned and only until such time as a valid application, considering depth of water, size and type of vessel, is made by an applicant for an initial mooring. (The original permittee will be given 30 days' notice.)
    Editor's Note: Original § 27F, Initial Assignment, which immediately followed this subsection, was rescinded 12-14-1998.